What really gives you joy in life?
What are your true desires? What is your heart telling you? Are you following it?
There is a seemingly simple message: to follow what your heart and intuition tell. In some mysterious, cosmic way the heart and intuition know what our true desires are. You only need to have a courage to listen to it and follow it. We often carry in the heart our desires from the childhood, however, for some reasons, we are not willing to hear that message.
And if we could trust and follow the heart and the truth? Even if it means we will go off a well-known paths… And if it brings a difference in living the life? Can you find a courage to do it? Would you be so hungry for life and its intensity? Are you ready? Do you want to be crazy enough to do this? Will you do this even if others will call you a sneer and judge you goofy, mad…? Would you open yourself to your heart’s desires? Would you do it for yourself…? Now, without postponing it (there is only now though).
Find what you love to do, find what is true for you, feel the intensity of being, feel the life. Find who are you… in the action, creation, at work, at home, in relationships, in the ordinary everyday life. And love what you do. Smile. Let every day begin with a smile and joy, an intention to choose a path the best for your higher self, for your highest good… Could life be only this intensity, love and joy? Yes, it might be… Life is just this … if we allow it to be.
However, if you do not know what are your desires, what truth is hidden in your heart, look for it, do not stop, look deeper. Keep going and you will get there and find it. You will know when you find it. Just look for it free from doubts, limitations and barriers, keep looking for it.
Feel a hunger for a true life. Find a courage that excites and makes you want to fly. Fly for life. Smile for life. Be crazy. Open arms and run, embrace your being, your truth. And be courageous to be magic and a real wonder. Let the cosmic universe show you your desires. Be like a child who does not calculate life. We have nothing here except the joy of life. We are here… to feel the joy of life in each and every cell of our body.
PS. One of my heart desires was painting. I dared to follow this. And finally I started to paint. It gives me joy that no words can describe. Language sometimes is too poor to describe the intensity of life…
The image, which is an illustration for this post was painted by me.
At the end -- a short video which is all about: follow your heart, stay hungry, stay foolish…